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25g Snyder Grasper, curved shaft
Designed by Mike Snyder MD. of Cincinnati Ohio, the 25g Snyder Grapsers are the smallest MST durable forceps available.

25g Condon Snare ll, curved shaft
The Condon Snare was designed by Gary Condon, MD of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania to assist in capturing suture during intraocular procedures.

23g Seibel Capsulorhexis Forceps with viewport, sharp tip, curved
23g Seibel Capsulorhexis, Rhexis Ruler™ & ViewPort Sharp tip curved shaft We worked hard with Howard Fine, M.D., Rich Hoffman, M.D. and Barry Seibel, M.D. to bring you the world’s best capsulorhexis forceps. The unique coaxial design limits the action…

23g Ahmed Needle Driver, Straight
Designed by Ike Ahmed MD. of Toronto, Canada, the Ahmed Needle Driver aids in intraocular suturing.